
DIY (Halloween-) Cookie Cutters

I got the idea to make cookie cutters myself when I saw a cute gingerbread reindeer in a bakery and wanted to bake some myself. Since that worked out so well, I made cookie cutters for Halloween gingerbread in the form of a ghost and a pumpkin last year, and since this year I finally have black food coloring, I would like to make a black angry cat and a bat. Oh, and my form for NOTFUNNY-lemmings I've showed you here already. As promised in that post, here come my instructions on how to bend your own cookie cutters - bringing you unexpected possibilities of creativity ;-)


Chocolate-Coconut-Muffins with Fondant-Frangipani

Last weekend, I attended a Buddhist ceremony. The food at such ceremonies is usually wonderfully varied, and since my Dad was one of the main organizers, I wanted to bake something suitable. The emblem of Buddhism is actually the lotus flower, but in all the Buddhist temples I have ever seen, Frangipani also grow (they are called Aralia in Singhalese), which are also known as "Temple Flowers", precisely because they are planted in each temple. Unlike the lotus flowers, I could imagine to make Frangipani out of gelatin fondant, and that decided the decoration question! ;-)


Favourite Blog

Hurrah! :-) 
Dani from Gingered Things has nominated my blog as one of her five favourite blogs in the "Liebster Blog" campaign. Thanks a lot! Even more so as my blog is the online baking blog, the others and Gingered Things itself are mainly about DIY - but I think DIY can be combined very nicely and to the advantage of both topics with baking... :-)


My very first Chocolate Muffins

The very first muffins that I have ever baked come from a long-forgotten recipe book which a school friend of mine had once borrowed from the town library. Yes, back then we had no Internet! 
In the meantime, the recipe had disappeared, but I found it again and think it's still as good as ever. Sophias Quick Chocolate Muffins are very similar (except for the more fluid dough ) because I had then tried to reproduce the lost recipe from memory... So, here come my very very very first chocolate muffins! Tadah!