
Rednosed Reindeer Muffins

As my birthday is in December, I am lucky enough to make lots of great winter- and Christmas-themed treats for my birthday parties - including these reindeer muffins that I had discovered on Pinterest and the Melting Snowman Cookies following in the next post... the basis for these muffins are my very first chocolate muffins, but you can use any muffins you like!
Ingredients for 12 reindeer:
12 muffins, e.g., my very first chocolate muffins
100 g whipped cream
200 g chocolate, 55% cocoa
12 mini cookies
24 brown and 12 red Smarties
6 pieces coconut liquorice confectionery

24 salt pretzels (plus more for scrap)

Make a ganache from cream and chocolate by boiling the cream and dissolving the chocolate in it, set the ganache into the fridge.
Cut each piece of licorice candy into 4 pieces and cut the pretzels to size - that works best with a large, sharp knife and a good momentum, but still, some will break into pieces.
Apply the cooled ganache to the muffins, stick on liquorice confectionery eyes, Smarties ears, and cookie muzzles. For the pretzel antlers, use a spoon to drill two holes into the muffin, then insert the long end of pretzel antler. Fill the rest of the ganache into a piping bag or plastic sandwich bag and use it to glue on the red Smarties as noses and pipe a small mouth. And you're done!

1 comment:

  1. So süß zum anschauen, und so lecker ! :3 :3 nur zum empfehlen! Vielen dank für das Bloggen.
